Hello 2021!

By Linda Olson, CEO, Tampa Bay Wave If you are like me, you are both glad that 2020 is over but also still reflecting on what has to be one of the most unusual years… dare I say “unprecedented.” While it was truly exhausting, I am not only very proud of the work that Tampa […]
Tampa Bay Waves Leadership Panel on Diversity – An Economic Imperative

Entrepreneurial diversity is not only the right thing to do. It’s an economic imperative, according to a leadership panel at the launch of Tampa Bay Wave’s TechDiversity Accelerator. The panel was the centerpiece of an hour long virtual kickoff for the accelerator program. Fifteen tech companies from around the United States and Latin America, including […]
Nickelytics Will Participate in the Techstars Smart Mobility Accelerator Program

Out of Home (OOH) advertising startup, Nickelytics has been selected to participate in Techstars’ Smart Mobility Accelerator mentorship-driven program, announced by Techstars on January 27, 2020. The Techstars Smart Mobility Accelerator is focused on transformative smart mobility technologies with a concentration on smart infrastructure and smart cities. The program is supported by partners Compagnia Di […]