
What They Say


Since joining the Wave we have seen exponential company growth on every level. The Wave advisors have helped guide us through the different stages of starting a company and we are extremely thankful for their help!

Aaron White
Script, Co-Founder & CEO

The Tampa Bay Wave’s accelerator program was an invaluable experience. We worked closely with the Wave to achieve specific goals that propelled Wherewithal forward into our next series of milestones. The supportive community of entrepreneurs along with the extensive network and resources the Wave provides is a game-changer for any startup.

Ellery Linder
Wherewithal, Co-Founder & Co-CEO

The Tampa Bay Wave TechDiversity Accelerator really helped us level up our company development. They bring tremendous value and a strong network that has helped us learn and grow.

Tran T. Huynh, D.O.
OpticSurg, President