
Chuck Papageorgiou

January 8, 2021

  • Expert leader and manager in global, complex, competitive and changing environments
  • Leader of organizations in both the new and the old economy environments
  • Manager of operations and technology for large global corporations
  • Mergers and Acquisitions Pre and Post Integration
  • Builder of start-up companies for investors and spinoffs for corporations
  • Leader and Consultant on Turn arounds of troubled operations
  • Developer and implementer of corporate strategies in the areas of Operations, Technology, Outsourcing, Risk Management, Logistics, Marketing, and Quality Management
  • Experienced in the business segments of Medical Services, Logistics, Telecommunications, Consulting, Financial Services, Employer Services, and Transaction Processing
  • Consultant and contract executive for Fortune 1000 companies on Corporate Strategy, Turn-Arounds, Mergers and Acquisitions, Partnerships and Alliances, Technology Implementations, and Global Outsourcing.