
Richard Munassi, MD, MBA

Accelerator Managing Director

Dr. Richard Munassi is the Accelerator Managing Director at Tampa Bay Wave. He has been a part of the Wave team since 2016, first as a Mentor, then as Entrepreneur in Residence, and since 2018 has held the Accelerator Managing Director position.

Dr. Munassi leads the Wave’s multiple 90-day Accelerator programs and the Accelerator team, ensuring cohort companies maximize their opportunities during the sprint. A serial entrepreneur with deep ties to California and the Gulf Coast, Dr. Munassi brings a unique network and background to Wave that includes ties to TechStars, MassChallenge, NASA, SXSW, FedTech, MIT Solve, UCSF Health, TMCx, and more. As a founder, he has raised into the 10’s of millions of dollars, and startups he has founded, mentored, or advised have raised over 1 billion dollars in Venture Capital and angel investment, with over two dozen exits.