
Demo Day

2022 CTX CyberTech|X Accelerator DEMO DAY

Event Details:

Join us for our 2022 CyberTech|X Accelerator DEMO DAY, an in-person event held April 6th . Other details are shared with members of Wave’s Investor Network and other invited guests. To learn more about the 15 cybersecurity tech companies presenting from our CyberTech|X Accelerator,  click here.

DEMO DAY is a private, invitation-only event and is always oversubscribed. You must have received an invitation and be registered to attend. Active members of our investor network will be automatically invited. You can also apply to attend.

Our Investor Network:

Wave Investor Network

Apply to Attend DEMO DAY:

If you are an accredited investor and are interested in investing in WAVE companies, we invite you to apply to attend our next DEMO DAY by filling out the form below. If you are accepted, you’ll hear from us within 5-10 business days of your application.