Tampa Bay Rays are moving to Ybor City and Tampa Bay Wave couldn’t be more proud to support the ballpark’s move to Tampa. The movement to bring the Rays to Tampa will grow the local business community and further solidify Tampa as one of the next great American cities.

Wave’s founder and CEO, Linda Olson, is one of many business leaders joining the Rays 100, a group of executives and civic leaders serving as ambassadors and leading the effort to keep the Rays in Tampa Bay.

The Rays move to Ybor City is projected to increase attendance and revenue, ultimately making the team more competitive than in previous years. Moving the ballpark stadium to Tampa will also further increase the region’s visibility and reputation as a place to live.

The Rays 100 is a group of seasoned business professionals who are aggressively backing Ybor City as the Tampa Bay Rays new home, a campaign organized by the Tampa Bay Rays 2020, a non-profit lead by attorney Ron Christaldi, partner at Shumaker, Kendrick and Loop, and Chuck Sykes, the CEO of Sykes Enterprises.

Linda recently represented Wave’s support of the community effort at the Ray 100 kick-off event held at The Lion’s Eye Institute.

“I am delighted to be a part of the Rays 100 effort,” said Linda Olson, President/CEO of Tampa Bay Wave. “The Tampa Bay Rays are an asset to our region not only as a baseball team but as an organization focused on innovation. Keeping the Rays in Tampa Bay is a key element to attracting the talent, startups, and capital that will continue to grow our technology ecosystem.”


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